Welcome to Mr. Blomblo's website!

This is the hub for all of Mr. Blomblo's social media accounts, including YouTube and Instagram! Make sure to look around and check out my quality content!

My name is either Blomblo or Mr. Blomblo on all social media sites I have an account on.

"I've been on YouTube since 2014 and haven't been uploading consistently since." - Blomblo

Most of my videos are in English, but some (most) videos from before 2016 are in Swedish.

I am an epic gamer, but I do other fun stuff as well.

This website is optimized to be viewed on 17" or larger displays in landscape mode.

Click the logo to go to my YouTube channel


My main platform is YouTube, check it out!

Click the logo to go to my Instagram profile


Check out my Instagram profile where I occasionally post photos of random stuff!

If you're only interested in my socials or want to only share them, use this link

Here are some of my videos

My computer specs:

Here's my Userbenchmarks benchark

My accessories:

My laptop specs:

ASUS TUF Gaming A17 FA706IU-H7209T

My laptop accessories:

The AI Corner!

I've made a space on my website just for AI where you can find AI-generated text, images, audio and video. So don't forget to check out my new AI corner by pressing the button below this text!